In someone's basket...

Red Deer Antler Rattle


This one-of-a-kind antler rattle has a satisfying grip nestled in an outstretched hand. The rattling sound is clear and ancient, reminding of days gone by. This rattle will be a valuable addition to any sacred toolkit.

In Celtic Myths and Legends, deer spirits appear as guides who can lead people to the realms of the supernatural. They’re powerful symbols of intuition, grace, and spiritual guidance – when they appear for you it could be a sign to step onto a shamanic path!

Deer antlers figure prominently in connection with images of Horned gods and goddesses or other antlered creatures. They’re associated with fertility, abundance, and spiritual power.⁣

That’s why Deer is such a strong Celtic Power Animal! It represents the ability to navigate between worlds and connect with the hidden forces of nature.⁣

In fact, Deer is also the power animal of the Centre for Shamanism, which you can tell by looking at our logo. So, if you feel a special connection with Deer or have had a dream or vision of a deer spirit, don’t ignore it! It could be a sign that you’re meant to explore your Celtic shamanic heritage and discover your own power animal.⁣

Red Deer Antler & Cow Skin

Co-created by Scott McCrimmon

In someone's basket...

SKU: 0031-A Category:


This one-of-a-kind antler rattle has a satisfying grip nestled in an outstretched hand. The rattling sound is clear and ancient, reminding of days gone by. This rattle will be a valuable addition to any sacred toolkit.

In Celtic Myths and Legends, deer spirits appear as guides who can lead people to the realms of the supernatural. They’re powerful symbols of intuition, grace, and spiritual guidance – when they appear for you it could be a sign to step onto a shamanic path! 

Deer antlers figure prominently in connection with images of Horned gods, goddesses, or other antlered creatures. They’re associated with fertility, abundance, and spiritual power.⁣

That’s why Deer is such a strong Celtic Power Animal! It represents the ability to navigate between worlds and connect with the hidden forces of nature.⁣

In fact, Deer is also the power animal of the Centre for Shamanism, which you can tell by looking at our logo. So, if you feel a special connection with Deer or have had a dream or vision of a deer spirit, don’t ignore it! It could be a sign that you’re meant to explore your Celtic shamanic heritage and discover your own power animal.⁣

Red Deer Antler & Cow Skin

Co-created by Scott McCrimmon