“I feel so deeply connected to myself and my Spirit Guides. I’ve found my home!


Safely explore yourself and the spiritual world
inside a loving tribe of like-minded souls.


Make new friends with people who get you because they’re on this path too.

Bi-Monthly Events

Create a regular rhythm for your practice with ongoing live events

Skill training

Pick up new Shamanic skills with on-demand courses and workshops.


Get guidance from a trusted team of Shamanic practitioners.

Now that you’ve watched some videos, taken a Shamanic journey, and joined a healing circle (or ten), you’re starting to realize: 

Solitude ISN’T fertile ground for spiritual growth.

That’s because:

Alone, spiritual efforts often stagnate.
Or worse, they fizzle out altogether.

Maybe you already recognize these subtle signs:

struggling to take meaningful action (actions that strengthen your relationship to your Guides), held hostage by your resistance, or stuck in your comfort zone’s familiar embrace.

growing more and more isolated with each passing day because your loved ones don’t embrace or understand your spiritual side.

turning to your Guides only when the 💩 hits the fan, leaving you with a spiritual connection that’s spotty at best.

distrust in your abilities that’s (unknowingly) creating spiritual static and blocking you from the answers you need to level up your life

spinning around in circles, never making any real progress towards that deeply connected, happy, and healed person you crave to be.

If that sounds familiar, you should know:
→ It’s not your fault. ←

None of us find it easy to show up as our best spiritual selves when life is pulling us in a million different directions.

That is, unless you have a Shamanic support system to help you take action, connect consistently, and keep your soul afloat when life’s difficulties threaten to throw you off track.

Hi, I’m Rhonda McCrimmon. 

And my story is likely somewhat similar to yours.

For years, I lived a life that felt disconnected and unfulfilled. I was depressed, chronically confused, and physically depleted. And I battled with the shame and frustration of the endless parade of failed attempts at getting better. 

To say I was downright miserable would be the understatement of a lifetime. But…  

Everything changed when I found Shamanism. 

Using my growing connection to Spirit, I was able to turn my life around in ways I never thought possible. 

But the journey wasn’t easy. 

Like so many, I too struggled to stay true to my path. My responsibilities pulled me in all sorts of directions. And changing persistent patterns was hard, especially when road-blocking resistance reared its head at nearly every twist and turn. 

I made it through the rough patches despite the difficulties thanks to my supportive tribe of Shamanic trainees and my wise and wonderful teacher.

Maybe you can too? 

My tribe helped me navigate turbulent times. They joined me in celebrating each new milestone. And they became my family, my home, a calm eye at the center of life’s sometimes unsettling storms. 

Without their support, I have no doubt my spiritual journey would have been littered with more soul-suffocating struggle and loneliness. 

So that’s how I know:

To turn a flickering spiritual flame into
a blazing bonfire of hope, power, and purpose,
you need structure and support.

Because without it, we risk letting the chaos of life snuff those hopeful little embers out.

“Thanks to Spiritual Momentum, I feel like I’m permanently plugged into the universe now. I was kinda-sorta plugged in before, half the time, but the socket was weak, and the power would go out a lot. 😅”

Peggy S

That’s why I created this soul-soothing Shamanic sanctuary. 

It’s a safe space where spiritual seekers like you get the structure and support you need to connect with your Guides, pick up new Shamanic skills, and share your experiences with like-minded people who are as excited about this adventure as you are.

“Before joining Spiritual Momentum, I was feeling lost. But this membership has been a life-changer. It has given me all the tools I need to live a healthy spiritual life. I’ve learned to trust my instincts more and set healthier boundaries with people. Whenever I need extra help, Rhonda and the group are always there for me. I love how welcoming each member is and how we all look out for each other. Nobody gives unwanted advice, just shared experiences. Best decision I ever made!”

Megan A

“Joining Spiritual Momentum gave me a community where I could share my thoughts and experiences and hear those of others. It has allowed growth and understanding and given me confidence in my own ‘knowing’. Being part of such an open, compassionate, and caring community has taken away that feeling of being different, weird and alone and allows me to feel empowered to follow my own path knowing there is support always available should I need it.”

Anne C

So wave goodbye to the subtle signs of spiritual stagnation and the heart-wrenching solitude that come with walking this path alone.

And join us inside:

Spiritual Momentum

the monthly membership where spiritual seekers create stronger connections to Spirit and self
and share experiences with a trusted tribe


Make new friends with people who get you because they’re on this path too.

Bi-Monthly Events

Create a regular rhythm for your practice with ongoing live events

Skill training

Pick up new Shamanic skills with on-demand courses and workshops.


Get guidance from a trusted team of Shamanic practitioners.

… and SO MUCH more!

Safely explore yourself and the spirit world inside a loving tribe of like-minded souls.

Spiritual Momentum is a safe, supportive, and sacred space where you learn to make Shamanism a core part of your life. Inside this active community, get the support you need to create a more consistent practice, pick up new Shamanic skills, and share your experiences. So you can strengthen your connection to your Spirit Guides and to the truest version of you. .



With the support of Spiritual Momentum, Rachel is seeing happy changes in nearly every area of her life.

I can’t possibly put every way it’s helped me. I would be writing for days! 

I am calmer. I have reset boundaries. I have moved away from people that brought toxicity into my life. I am joyful. I am determined. 

I can see change. (And others have too. Even my parents comment on how different I am.) 

I am more connected. I am more aware. I enjoy life. I do not put myself down. I work through my issues with my new spiritual team. I work through blame. I have taken myself out of gossip and drama in the workplace – that was liberating! 

I have a deeper connection to nature, family, and values. Ahhh, everything in my life is so much better. 

I can’t say enough on how grateful I am for the learning and support. You really have changed my life!

Rachel T.


Create a regular rhythm in your practice with a live gathering twice a month

Join these events to weave Shamanism consistently into your life and share incredible experiences with spiritually-minded friends.

Live with replays.

Live events are recorded (except for Sacred Circle Conversations).

Use any device.

Watch or listen via smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.

Watch on your time.

Access ALL past event recordings conveniently from the member portal anytime, anywhere.

Group Coaching Sessions

Witness the gentle guidance of the Guides flow through our Shamanic practitioners as they give practical feedback on whatever issues you face right now. So bring your burning questions, spiritual challenges, and quests for clarity to these block-busting coaching calls.

Can’t join live? Not an issue. You can submit your question beforehand and catch the recording later.

InterACTIVE Shamanic Experience Nights

Put your hands in the spiritual clay. In each experience, we come together to focus on a specific Shamanic topic. It could be learning how to “tone to the senses” or how to build confidence in your Shamanic messages. Spirit will bring through what is needed for the group each month.

Examples of a Shamanic experience night could be: 

Owl Ceremony to dismantle social conditioning and make choices based on who you want to be.

Healing Circles like a guided meditation with a Shamanic spin, focused on a specific intention for personal healing.

Cord Cutting Ceremony to free you from draining relationships, situations, and persistent patterns.

Celtic Saining Workshop Learn how to cleanse your home and body of negative energies. And start fresh with a clean energetic slate.

Outside of group coaching, Rhonda and her team of trusted practitioners are always in the threads supporting you.

Find us sharing our experiences and answering questions on any topic imaginable. From your facing fears. To working with weather spirits. Or making sense of your latest WTF-did-that-mean journey confusion.


Make friends with people who get you (because they’re on this journey too).

So you can soothe that soul-suffocating solitude. Ahhhh…

Inside Spiritual Momentum’s private online community, forge new friendships with like-minded Shamanic people. Share your struggles without judgment. Celebrate spiritual successes. And feel free to explore yourself and the spirit world in a supportive space where you belong.

Our values make Spiritual Momentum a safe, supportive, and sacred space.

And members ♥️  it!

Your Path, Your Way

Because your journey will be as unique as you are, you’ll never compare your path to someone else’s. Or worse, to some ideal version of what it “should” be. Whatever you experience is right for you. You can’t get this wrong!

Safety in Sharing

In our community, members share insights based on personal experience. This boundary (we call using “I-language”) prevents unsolicited input and judgment. So you get advice only from trained practitioners and only when you ask for it.

“It’s a place like no other, a real community with lots of help where I feel safe. I have the freedom to be me because there’s no right or wrong but only what’s right for me.”

Olwyn D.


Pick up new Shamanic skills with a growing library of courses and workshops.

And geek out on countless happiness-boosting lesson designed to help you live a healed and fulfilled life.

Watch anytime.

Work through the pre-recorded lessons whenever you have the time and energy.

Use any device.

Watch on your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.

Intro to Shamanic Journeying

Great for beginners! Learn how to journey safely to the spirit realm and interpret your experience with confidence. So you can access the life-changing power of your Spirit Guides whenever you need it.

Understanding Your Shamanic Journeys

Great for beginners! Dive deeper into interpreting Guide-given signs and symbols. And learn how to set up your journeys to prevent spiritual static, chaos, or confusion. So you can use Spirit’s guidance to make your dream life a joyful reality.

Shamanism in Daily Life

Grab simple ideas for weaving Shamanism into your day-to-day routine. And explore new ways to speak with Spirit. So you can open yourself to all the magic this powerful ancient practice has to offer.

Creating Ceremony

Craft unique and personal ceremonies step by step. So you can uplift, recharge, let go, cleanse, clarify, or work toward whatever special intention your heart holds. Plus, get actionable ideas for working with the sacred 4 elements in ceremony.

Trusting Your Inner Compass

Reconnect with your internal guidance and intuition. So you can understand negative emotions. Reveal hidden blocks. Make better decisions. And finally, start living with more ease and emotional freedom.

Redefining Boundaries

Gently put happiness-boosting boundaries into place. Even with pushy people! So you can stop sacrificing self-care. End perpetual people-pleasing. And stand up for yourself and your choices.

Restoring Soul

Navigate life’s challenges with 5 ceremonial projects. Learn to work with moon cycles and the 4 sacred elements (water, air, earth, and fire). So you can release the old. Cleanse negative energies. And plant new spiritual seeds that will soon blossom into beautiful new beginnings

Releasing Resistance

Pinpoint subtle signs of resistance and then softly release it. Even if it’s a block you’ve struggled with for years. So you can break the bonds of self-sabotage. And create the mental space to move forward.

Finding Freedom from Fear

Explore the near-paralyzing thoughts that hold you hostage. Learn to bring fears, doubts, and worries out of the darkness and into the light (where they lose their power). And finally, find the courage to work towards your biggest dreams. 

Find secret pockets of me-time to focus on your spiritual self without stressing your schedule.

When extra hours are your biggest hurdle, try out these time-rescuing resources:

Finding The Time Mini-Course

Sniff out your biggest time-stealing bandits. Then use 6 simple time tricks to do more of what matters to you. Without the guilt. And without borrowing minutes from your much-needed sleep schedule. This course comes with simple exercises, helpful worksheets, and guided journeys to support your efforts.

The Shamanic Monthly Planner

Plan and track all of your spiritual, self-care, and personal development efforts. This downloadable and reusable planner comes with 12 monthly planner pages, weekly schedule pages, an intention planning page, journey inspiration, a gratitude log, inspirational quotes, and info on moon cycles, equinoxes, solstices, and Shamanic safety. 


Get quick relief from I-didn’t-see-this-coming dilemmas with 10+ relaxing healing circles.

Like a gentle guided meditation with a Shamanic spin, healing circles are a sacred way to bring profound healing into physical, emotional, and spiritual planes. 

The next time a problem pops out of nowhere and throws you off balance, visit the Spiritual Emergency Room. And queue up a relieving healing circle. Need more peace? Clarity? Help with boundaries? There’s a healing circle for that!

Plus, even more exciting extras:

Monthly Mantra

Stay focused on your Spiritual intentions every day. So you can rewire those neural networks for positive change.

Lighthouse Requests

Support your healing and, with permission, that of other members in a safe and ethical way with a simple Shamanic ceremony you can do anywhere, anytime.

Accountability Posts

Check in with yourself and the community each month. So you can keep moving towards your spiritual goals.

50% Off Select Events

Join in on select ceremonies, workshops, and festival celebrations (that happen outside of the membership) at half the price.

Early Access to 1-1 Healing

When we drop a limited number of 1-1 healing sessions with the Centre’s Shamanic Practitioners, get a 24-48 hour headstart to grab your spot.

Yeah, you get A LOT.  So take a deeeep breath.

Here’s how you pursue spiritual goals without adding more overwhelm to an overflowing plate:

With so many events and activities happening inside the membership, how do you get to it all? 

The easy answer: You don’t! 

There’s no need to complete every course or come to every live event. This is YOUR journey. So pick out what’s most useful for you right now.


This month, you can join a healing circle. If it calls to you. Participate in a ceremony. If it calls to you. Add to community discussions. If they call to you. Or work through an interesting course. If it calls to you. 

So start small. Then weave in more if and when you feel ready.

Beginners, never struggle with where to start. Instead, ease into your membership experience using the beginner’s roadmap.

Get a bird’s eye view of all your membership perks, including which courses are highly recommended and which ones are optional. (Remember: You don’t have to do everything!). 

Start with the Mini Morning Momentum Challenge. And grab 4 simple daily tasks (that take 5 minutes or less) to boost your mood and get some positive momentum flowing. 

Bloom into a vibrant spiritual being, no matter where you’re starting.

Spiritual seekers of all experience levels are welcome.

Because Spiritual Momentum is for beginners…

“I was drawn to Shamanism but unsure how to bring it into my life in a way that felt natural. Having regular sessions have helped me with maintaining momentum while I established how Shamanism fits into my life and daily/ weekly practices. In this environment, I’ve found learning and experimenting with my journey motivating and encouraging.”

Sarah J.

… and those with more experience.

“The membership is fabulous. I entered into the membership fairly far on in my Spiritual path and I have found the content and group space to be invaluable. I believe that the membership could add great value to people, no matter what stage of a journey they find themselves at. I certainly wish I had found the Centre for Shamanism earlier than I did.”

Jayne G.

“I’ve enjoyed the whole experience. The healing journeys and sacred circles conversions are so special. Like many, I struggle to feel like I ‘fit’ in the world. Having like-minded people to share experiences with is a huge part of the healing and growing journey.”

Ellie W.

“There are so many opportunities to have live interaction and support. I love the availability of Rhonda and her support group. I enjoy the different avenues of information and learning. The ceremonies are so powerful. I have grown so much in my own practice.”

Cherie A. 

Our 30 day money back guarantee means you can experience the spiritual shifts for yourself (like a deeper connection and more inner peace) inside Spiritual Momentum – Risk free for 30 days!

This is a “no questions asked” money back guarantee.

Yes, you can cancel easily at the click of a button, and there’s no contract or minimum term. 

“Spiritual Momentum is worth every penny. The membership has ticked so many boxes for me, and I haven’t even come close to exhausting those resources. The content, the community, and the resources far exceeded my expectations.”

Monica B

Members say:

With so many perks, joining just ONE event per month makes this membership worth it.

Experience the full spectrum of membership benefits
when you start your free trial, including:

Twice monthly live events
(with recordings)

30 + Recorded Interactive Ceremonies
(£24.99 value per event)

Intro to Shamanic
Journeying course

Creating Ceremony course
(£49.99 value)

Restoring Soul course
(£39.99 value)

Finding The Time course
(£39.99 value)

Monthly Shamanic Planner
(£12.99 value

Spiritual Emergency Room with
10+ Healing Circles
(£124.99 value)

24/7 access to the
private community

Early access to 1-1 healing (24-48 hours in advance

30+ Recorded Healing Circles
(£15.99 value per event)

Group Coaching Sessions
(£59.99 value per event)

Understanding Your Shamanic Journeys workshop
(£24.99 value)

Trusting Your Inner Compass course
(£39.99 value)

Releasing Resistance workshop
(£24.99 value)

Beginner’s Roadmap & Mini Momentum Challenge

Drumming tracks

Monthly mantra

Ongoing support from Rhonda and her team of trusted practitioners
(£159.99/mo. value)

50% discount on select Centre for Shamanism events (£7.99-17.50 discount per event)

Access to all past event recordings

Shamanism in Daily Life Course
(£49.99 value)

Redefining Boundaries course (£149.99 value)

Finding Freedom from Fear workshop
(£24.99 value)

Downloadable how-to guides & worksheets

Lighthouse requests

Accountability exercises

Start your membership today

And grow inside a loving tribe of like-minded souls

Need a currency converter? We’ve got you 👇

Have questions? Please ask: support@centreforshamanism.com


“Is there a money back guarantee if I don’t like it? “

And answers to other smart questions:

Yes! We offer a 30-day “no questions asked” money back guarantee. If you don’t like it, simply shoot us an email at support@centreforshamanism.com & we’ll cancel your subscription & refund your payment. 

You can cancel easily at the click of a button inside your member’s portal. 

There’s no contract or minimum term. 

Yes! This membership is for all spiritual seekers (regardless of experience) looking to strengthen their connection to Spirit and self, join a tribe of like-minded souls, and put more structure and routine behind their Shamanic practice. 

If you’re interested but not yet 100% sure, start your membership and see how it fits. With no risk to you whatsoever because we offer a 30-day “no questions asked” money back guarantee.

None! This membership has plenty to offer spiritual seekers of all experience levels. Our community is a spiritual mix, from Shamanic beginners to those with years of experience. 

The great thing about Shamanism is: 

It’s unique to you. The spiritual work is internal. No matter where you’re starting, you’ll get teachings, tools, gatherings, and more to help you take your next steps towards your brightest and best spiritual self.

All on-demand courses and past event recordings are accessible via the member portal. You can watch, listen, or read on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone. 

Live online events are hosted on Zoom or Demio. Specific details and links for joining each event are always provided beforehand.

That’s entirely up to you! 

You choose how many live events you attend. There are two live events per month, and each lasts about an hour. 

The event recordings and on-demand courses are always available in the member portal. So you can watch or listen whenever you have the time. (Note: Sacred Circles Conversations are not recorded.)

Then hop into community discussions as you wish. 

To prevent overwhelm, I encourage you to start small, participating in the activities that MOST call to you. Then add to your practice as you feel like it.

Don’t fret. All live events  are recorded and added to the member portal. Meaning, you can take your spiritual adventures on a schedule that works for you.

It gets better too. As a member, you get access to ALL past event recordings. That includes ceremonies, coaching sessions, healing circles, and workshops from BEFORE you became a member.

No worries! We can help. Please ask our team: support@centreforshamanism.com

“Rhonda, how do I know if Spiritual Momentum is right for me?”

If you’re seeing signs… or you feel a rightness… your Spirit Guides are saying: This is the place for you.

Members have described this gentle knowing as a tug, a pull, a calling, or a strong sense of rightness. Even if you can’t put your finger on why.

Some even see signs and synchronicities.

These are all signals from the Guides that:
There’s something here for you.

There are no complicated criteria for joining Spiritual Momentum. And spiritual seekers of all experience levels are welcome.

So if you feel the tug, this is the place for you.

And with the protection of  a 30-day-money-back-guarantee, there’s no reason not to find out why.

See how these members are using
Spiritual Momentum to reach new levels of connection and life-loving goodness.

Psst… with all the support found in this Shamanic sanctuary, you could see transformations like these too!

Fiona is silencing loud limiting beliefs and feeling worthier than ever.

“Before I joined, I asked myself: am I worth it? Having been in the membership, I know now I am worth it. And through the work I have done, I now value my own opinion and thoughts on my life. I am stronger and more resilient than I have ever been.”

Fiona B

Anne is healing and forgiving herself.

“I came here thinking I was going to learn about Shamanism from an academic perspective! 

What I found was a safe, nurturing Shamanic practitioner and community where I could learn about the Ancient Ways which are allowing me to learn how to heal myself, fill spiritual voids, and discover how to forgive myself

It has given me a sense of hope and, more importantly, belonging. I am learning much about myself and what to focus on to be whole and authentic! 

I feel so deeply connected to myself and the Universe! I have come home!”

Ann Marie F

Monica is releasing old ways and making space for more meaning. 

“I was searching for that place that felt like home when I stumbled across Rhonda. I sometimes get nervous about those monthly membership things, but there was a free trial so, what the heck! I was not sorry I did. 

It is worth every penny. It has helped me connect more with myself, my journey thus far, and my path forward in more ways than one. 

I feel like things are making more sense for me. Connections between past and present are being revealed, and the more I release, the more I find space for things that are truly meaningful to my journey forward. 

Even though some weeks I cannot participate as much as I would like with the live events, it’s so nice to know that it’s there and that I can dive in when my schedule permits. 

I’m beyond grateful for this group and what it has meant and continues to mean to my journey.”

Monica B

Audrey is coming out of her shell (because sharing finally feels safe).

“The membership has given me so much; community, healing, spiritual confidence. It was a worthwhile investment in myself and a decision I will never regret. 

The content goes deep and holds space for you to heal yourself. I love the sacred circle meetings. It’s so nice to talk with others about shared spiritual beliefs and not feel judgment. I also love the book club and healing ceremonies. 

I found my community, I have people who are a lot like me and it’s helped me come out of my shell. I’ve learned so much and gained so many tools for my toolkit to handle life.”

Audrey B

Beth met an animal Guide for the first time.

“This AM right before waking when I had a random “dream” somewhere between sleep and awake. I had an animal come to me. I have never been able to see here or even imagine an animal guide before. It wasn’t a fearful experience. 

I feel that everything I read I hear and learn here has helped me with my journey to this point in my life. 

The Membership for me has opened my eyes, my heart, my mind and my spirit to be taught. I have enjoyed everything I learn. I find I am feasting on ever morsel with excitement and anticipation. 

I know I have grown and will continue to grow as I learn more. Rhonda has provided the best avenue for learning. Her methods penetrate hearts. I welcome more membership epiphany moments in my life!”

Beth B.

Charlotte is seeing positive shifts in her mindset after YEARS of mental health struggles.

“Joining the membership felt like committing to the possibility of genuinely feeling better, which I thought I’d mostly given up on. 

The FB community is always there, the mantras, the general positivity – it is nice to have a smaller, more intimate group where you recognize the names of people who post and respond. 

Also, even when I am not in a place where I am able to attend the events or do the courses, knowing that those things are still there for me to hop in when I can is comforting. 

And the amount of information within the membership courses feels like a personal library waiting for me – as a bookworm, I adore this! 

I feel like every tool I need to tackle just about anything is finally at my disposal within this offering, and all that’s left is for me to consistently put in the work. 

For the first time, I’m seeing tangible improvements in my mental health – shifts in my mindset I’d been trying to tackle for most of my life. 

And not only that but the process was joyous rather than feeling like an uphill battle. “

Charlotte G.

Cleo heightened her intuition and stopped feeling stuck.

“This work has deepened and heightened my intuitive powers and also improved my ability to interpret situations better. I definitely do not feel stuck anymore

I feel excited and alive. 

I feel as if I’ve just been given the powers of the portal. But what I wasn’t expecting was the deepening of my experience of everyday life that has been happening. 

I love the regularity of the events which feels very supportive and keeps me focused

I like the communication with other members and also that Rhonda responds to questions on these threads too – although I don’t know how she has time! 💖💖💖💖”

Cleo L. 

Heather is showing up for herself and her connection.

“I’ve been a member for a couple of years now. Being a member has helped me to make a regular commitment to show up for myself, to slow down and check in. 

The healing circles and ceremonies feel really special and interesting. They always hit the spot! And I enjoy being introduced to new ideas and techniques. It’s always feels fresh. 

It is a safe, friendly and welcoming environment. I feel better having taken the time to do the work. 

In my opinion, it is great value for money especially when you get discounts on other courses by being a member.”

Heather M. 

Gill is exploring and healing hidden trauma.

“When I joined, I was feeling very disconnected. The membership has provided so much support and resources for me to build confidence to start working on inner healing – specifically hidden trauma. 

I now have momentum and focus moving forward to become the person I was meant to be. I am much more focused on myself. I have explored areas I would have never been able to reach on my own. 

I feel I have woken up and now see the world through different lens, and I have a clearer vision of myself and my journey. 

I also love the variety of the membership sessions. I really enjoy the sacred circles as it is lovely connecting with people face to face online. I am so very grateful to be part of this community.”

Gill L

Ioana feels better prepared to deal with whatever life tosses her way.

“I’ve gained quite a lot from the membership. A wonderful supportive community, great resources to explore without feeling a time pressure to just complete the modules but rather to truly assimilate the teachings. 

I feel it has given me a solid foundation for spiritual work and much-needed ethics behind it. I resonate a lot with Rhonda’s approach, it feels grounded and firm but also loving and humorous

I feel a stronger connection to my guides and my intuition and feel more balanced and clear headed. Whatever obstacle comes I’m better prepared to deal with it in a healthier way. 

I love the group! I feel connected to everyone and the I language rule is great. Shared experiences are indeed something from which I can draw what I need and not just being given advice. I feel inspired by all the people in the group and it’s an achievement for an introvert like me. I feel like I belong.”

Ioana W.

Jan is learning new ways to live a Shamanic life.

“I was looking to find some more Shamanic living ideas. The Membership has given me lots to think about and work with. I particularly enjoy the healing circles and members circles. 

I love the sense of community where everyone is supportive and nonjudgemental

The content of the Ceremony’s, the Q and A’s are really helpful. Even when I don’t have questions of my own, I learn from others’ questions. 

I love Rhonda’s down-to-earth and honest approach. All of this has helped with my confidence and definitely helped me to stay focused.”

Jan M. 

Judith is using healing circles to de-stress.

“The Membership FB community feels more deeply connected that the larger community. The Sacred Circles help with that – building a deeper connection to my fellow students

The monthly Members events are awesome and I love that I can revisit older ones from before I joined. I have used the past events a few times when I felt stressed and needed a more connected feel to a journey – or needed a healing circle.”

Judith W.

Kim found a family where she can embrace her deepest spiritual self.

“Being part of the membership has been like having a spiritual family. You don’t need to be in touch all the time, you can share your success and get support when you’re down. 

It’s a place where I can be my deepest spiritual self and in being that I can grow more than I ever could on my own.”

Kim N

Liz is facing her shadows, so her light can shine.

“Support, learning, self-discovery and straight hard truth are what make this so powerful. I am just getting into more content and I am chuffed to do the projects. What a great approach! 

I already feel empowered to face my shadows and persevere through tough times. I am also empowered to celebrate me and let my light shine!”

Liz B.

MaryAnn feels more secure on her path to healing.

“When “traditional outlets” held me back I knew I needed to explore other avenues to healing and self-care. I tried the meditations offered with an open mind and found them to be transforming in a most positive way. 

The membership adds a new deeper foundation to explore what is possible for my personal transformation and healing

Deeper insights to my “issues and beliefs “ have resulted in feeling more confident and secure on my path to healing.”

MaryAnn L

Mharie is working through shame and blame with kindness and love.

“I would highly recommend the membership. For me, its a safe place where I can share my experience with people who won’t judge. The content is amazing for the money. 

It has helped me to set boundaries and work with my shame and blame from a kind place. Rhonda puts so much love into all the work and there’s so many things to help me on my journey, self-led but always supported if I need it.”

Mharie D

Michele found the courage to dig deeper and face her blocks.

“The membership has given me the courage to develop myself and my spirituality through its Shamanic teachings. 

The support, content and teaching is brilliant. All the guides and podcasts have really helped with how I see myself in relation to my spiritual journey. 

The community feels safe and nourishing. There is no pressure or judgement. 

I feel safe and supported when I journey in a workshop and I am not so afraid now to dig deeper. 

I feel my pathway has opened up so widely in front of me and there is support if I need it. I am now ready to face any blocks holding me back and look forward to my Shamanic path unfolding.”

Michele C. 

Olwyn felt a real connection for the first time.

“The workshops are amazing and the ceremonies are brilliant. For first time, I made a real connection. No words I write can fully describe how it feels. So have look because there’s nothing like experiencing it for yourself.”

Olwyn D.

Pam has found more personal power and peace. 

“I joined just over two years ago in search of myself and to lead a powerful empowering life. I have become the person I have always known that I wasRhonda and everyone in the group are positive, accepting and authentic- seeing the light and the shadow we all hold within. I am grateful I found this group and in doing so, am on the road to being at peace with myself!”

Pam K

Peggy is growing by leaps and bounds after years of spiritual stagnation.

The Centre for Shamanism has been a wonderful experience, tool, and support for my spiritual journey. Rhonda and the other teachers balance encouraging words, personal experience, and gentle challenges to old methods of living and being. 

They don’t encourage you to stay stagnant but to grow. It has given me a safe space to ask questions, gain support in my goals, and go deeper than I expected to go. And when growth feels messy and painful, they are always there for support, enabling me to do the work necessary in a safe space.

Peggy S

Sally is staying centered even when life gets chaotic.

“The Momentum membership for me is like a warm retreat I can always come back to. For me, life often gets chaotic and I sometimes find myself feeling disconnected. It has helped in staying centred

It’s like a ‘home button’ I feel I can hit when I need to find my way back to myself. 

The regular circles/events and the friendly members are a consistent link for me to return home to myself and also to share my shamanic journey without any kind of judgement.”

Sally H

Daniella is connecting with her Guides on a deeper level.

Joining the membership community is one the best decisions I’ve made. It allowed me to connect deeper with like-minded individuals who are there for support, share experiences, and inspire. 

“The program has taught me how to connect with my guides on a deeper level and all of the membership experiences are invaluable to my progress. I look forward to each weekly event! 

I like that I can go at my own pace and go back and redo lessons as needed.”

Daniella S. 

Sharon finally found a genuine teacher who felt right for her.

“The membership has helped me to form a connection with my guides and also take responsibility for my own spiritual path. 

Before joining, I was afraid I wouldn’t find genuine teachers. But from that first time seeing Rhonda, I just knew this was the right choice for me. 

Rhonda is experienced and has a beautiful way of guiding new seekers and supporting their own personal development whilst always holding a very safe space. Her range of knowledge is amazing.”

Sharon R

Susie is improving her quality of life one step at a time.

“My mental health is greatly improved and my quality of life is so much better. 

I am a work in progress but with the support of Rhonda, the vast educational content and guest lectures and the beautiful community Rhonda has built I am in a much better place and continue to improve, one step at a time. Thank you 😊”

Susie R

Toni is making the time to work on herself: to heal and grow.

“The membership has made me take time out for myself to do personal work. And it has helped cement the idea that Shamanism is a way of life for me

I love connecting with others in the sacred circles, and the healing circles have made me take time to work on myself. 

It has given me a wealth of knowledge, experience and opportunities to heal and grow

I fully appreciate how much the membership and the team have helped me on my journey so far.”

Toni FJ

Vanessa is trusting her internal wisdom more and more.

“The membership offers a beautiful space for a shared and supportive community for anyone who wishes to learn about and practice shamanism, either experienced or brand new! The resources are endless and there is always something that can help.

I feel connected to others and to source! I feel that I trust much more in the wisdom within me. My heart is more open. And I feel I have a framework to help me. 

I continue to learn so much and feel blessed to have found this space. ❤️”

Vanessa M

Norma stopped searching for her tribe because she finally found it – in Spiritual Momentum!

“I wandered through a lot of different “spiritual” classes, training before joining the membership. But now I have stopped looking elsewhere because I have found my tribe. 

Gosh that statement gives me a sense of peace!”

Norma A

“I am just in my 1st month of membership, and I can say: it’s amazing! There is so much content available and a live session every week. Rhonda gives so much! What a perfect place to learn at my own pace while being supported.”

Sarah L

With the safety of a 30-day money back guarantee, there’s no reason not to experience the connection-boosting power of Spiritual Momentum for yourself risk-free. So:

✱ Yes! You can cancel any time at the click of a button.  No contract or minimum term. 

Twice monthly live events
(with recordings)

30 + Recorded Interactive Ceremonies
(£24.99 value per event)

Intro to Shamanic
Journeying course

Creating Ceremony course
(£49.99 value)

Restoring Soul course
(£39.99 value)

Finding The Time course
(£39.99 value)

Monthly Shamanic Planner
(£12.99 value

Spiritual Emergency Room with
10+ Healing Circles
(£124.99 value)

24/7 access to the
private community

Early access to 1-1 healing (24-48 hours in advance

30+ Recorded Healing Circles
(£15.99 value per event)

Group Coaching Sessions
(£59.99 value per event)

Understanding Your Shamanic Journeys workshop
(£24.99 value)

Trusting Your Inner Compass course
(£39.99 value)

Releasing Resistance workshop
(£24.99 value)

Beginner’s Roadmap & Mini Momentum Challenge

Drumming tracks

Monthly mantra

Ongoing support from Rhonda and her team of trusted practitioners
(£159.99/mo. value)

50% discount on select Centre for Shamanism events (£7.99-17.50 discount per event)

Access to all past event recordings

Shamanism in Daily Life Course
(£49.99 value)

Redefining Boundaries course (£149.99 value)

Finding Freedom from Fear workshop
(£24.99 value)

Downloadable how-to guides & worksheets

Lighthouse requests

Accountability exercises

Need a currency converter? We’ve got you 👇

Have questions? Please ask: support@centreforshamanism.com

“I have been a member since 2019. And it has been the most transformative 2 years of my life: learning at my own pace, sharing with others in the community, putting my learning into action, seeing myself change, and others seeing it too. 

I am more at peace with myself than I have ever been

My relationships have changed. I have a deeper connection with myself, my family, my guides, nature, and everything around me. I am happy and at peace. 

This membership is worth every penny. I’m so grateful.”

Rachel T.

Rhonda is amazing at what she does. She has a wealth of knowledge in Shamanism and is a lovely soul. She’s very supportive and powerful at what she does. 

I absolutely love our members healing circles. They’ve helped me so much in recent months. And I also love coming together with other members to heal and grow

There’s still things I have to explore but I’d highly recommended that anyone signs up for this of they’ve been tempted to. It’s so worth it!

Billie W.

© The Centre for Shamanism LTD 2022 |  Reg No: SC661480 | Vat No: 412028350Privacy Policy | Terms, Conditions & Refund Policy

Company address: Cantsmill Farm Cottage, Kirriemuir, Scotland, UK, DD85NE

Contact support: support@centreforshamanism.com