The doors are closed. Join the waitlist for the next intake in Autumn 2024: 

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This is where you uncover the spiritual secrets of the ancient Celts and create a deeply connected and magical life.

Honour your ancestors. Commune with the natural and spiritual worlds. And step into the sacred power that is your birthright. Inside The Cauldrons Way, a guided training program and a one-of-a-kind tribe of Celtic spiritual explorers.

For the ancient Celts, every day was full of magic and spiritual exploration. What if your days could be just as magical?

For the ancient Celts, every day was full of magic and spiritual exploration.

What if your days could be just as magical?

What if talking with the birds, the bees, the stones, and the trees was as natural for you as brushing your teeth? 

What if you could access the divine wisdom and power of your Spirit Guides or the loving ancestors any time you needed a bit of guidance or healing? 

And what if you had the means to step into your innate spiritual power and become the healed and fulfilled being you were born to be? 

This is what awaits you on the path of Celtic Shamanism. 

For the ancient Celts, the physical and spiritual worlds were intimately intertwined. They lived in harmony with nature and treated the spiritual beings that resided there with reverence and respect.

They made offerings. 

They conducted rituals. 

And they took regular trips to the Otherworld to communicate with their Spirit Guides, the Old Gods, and the ancestors who walked the world before them. 

Exploring the mysteries of the seen and unseen realms was a normal, everyday part of life. Now it can be a daily practice for you, too.

And that’s why, secretly, you hope the spiritual paths and powers of your Celtic ancestors are open to you, too. 

(They are.) 

You’re excited at the possibilities. 

The only problem is: 

You have no clue how to access them. 

And most of the stuff you’ve found on Google reads more like a made-up fairy tale than a real-life experience. 

So, you don’t know where to start learning or what information to trust.

What’s worse, in this spiritually sterile world that’s plagued by rampant consumerism and a toxic obsession with technology, this sort of shamanic exploration does feel a wee bit out of reach. 

Which might have you asking yourself… 

How do you even begin to harness the spiritual power of the Ancient Ways when you’ve never felt more disconnected… ?

from yourself, from your heritage, from the natural world you inhabit, and from the spiritual tether you instinctively know SHOULD be there but, for some unexplainable reason, just isn’t? 


You walk the path of Celtic Shamanism, and the connection will come. 

How do I know? I’ve done it. 

Years ago, I was a miserable accountant with a young daughter, a toxic ex, and a long history of abuse. To say my life was in shambles would be an understatement. Now I live a joyful, fulfilling, and deeply connected life as a Celtic seer & shaman.   

My life looks nothing like it did before. And that’s a good thing! 

And I owe it all to walking the shamanic path. 

Over the years…

How do I know? I’ve done it. 

Years ago, I was a miserable accountant with a young daughter, a toxic ex, and a long history of abuse. To say my life was in shambles would be an understatement. Now I live a joyful, fulfilling, and deeply connected life as a Celtic seer & shaman.  

My life looks nothing like it did before. And that’s a good thing! 

And I owe it all to walking the shamanic path. 

Over the years… 

I’ve taught 10,000s of people how to use simple Celtic wisdom and creative shamanic practices to fill their spiritual voids and turn lackluster lives (their words, not mine) into magical, meaningful, and fulfilling life experiences…

which should give you hope – because: 

The spiritual adventure and mystical life you seek is not only possible but inevitable through the practice of Celtic Shamanism. 

You’ll also be delighted to know: 

I’ve taught 10,000s of people how to use simple Celtic wisdom and creative shamanic practices to fill their spiritual voids and turn lackluster lives (their words, not mine) into magical, meaningful, and fulfilling life experiences…

which should give you hope – because: 

The spiritual adventure and mystical life you seek is not only possible but inevitable through the practice of Celtic Shamanism. 

You’ll also be delighted to know: 

This shamanic path offers you remarkably more than journeys to the Otherworld, conversations with spirit animals, and ceremonies under the soft gaze of a full moon.

So much more awaits you. 

What people don’t realize about Celtic Shamanism (at first) is this: 

The relationship you build with your spiritual team will give you the power to transform your life in the most practical of ways. 

When you plug into the nourishing energy of the spirit world, amazing shifts take place. You…

🧡 Reveal the truest version of yourself as you find the courage to shed your “shoulds” and all the expectations the world has piled on your shoulders. 

🧡 Put healthy boundaries in place in every area of your life and actually stick to them, so you can say “no thanks, not for me” without a smidge of guilt.

🧡 Prioritize yourself and your wants, needs, dreams, and desires, and become the main character in your story, even if you’ve spent a lifetime putting yourself last.

🧡 Bring more empathy and understanding to your relationships, like with your partner or boss, and enjoy spirit-inspired harmony and peace even when dealing with difficult people or having challenging conversations.

You might even feel a renewed eagerness to pursue long-held dreams, like writing a book or starting a business, that you never before dared speak aloud for fear of failure. 

Celtic Shamanism can help you do all of that and more. 

So whatever it is you desire deep in your heart of hearts…   

You might even feel a renewed eagerness to pursue long-held dreams, like writing a book or starting a business, that you never before dared speak aloud for fear of failure. 

Celtic Shamanism can help you do all of that and more. 

So whatever it is you desire deep in your heart of hearts…   

This is where you open the doors to forgotten knowledge and learn to wield the mystical practices of the ancient Celts.

For the Celtic Shamanic training, support, and community you need to create your version of a magical, deeply connected, and soul-satisfying life, join us inside: 

The Cauldrons Way

The ONLY guided shamanic training and tribe of its kind where you can explore the spirit world, connect with your Celtic ancestors, and access the life-changing power within you

The Cauldrons Way

The ONLY guided shamanic training and tribe of its kind where you can explore the spirit world, connect with your Celtic ancestors, and access the life-changing power within you

Your complete toolkit for practicing Celtic Shamanism with confidence:

With guided shamanic teachings, ceremonial tools, live events, mentoring, and a member-only community, now you can…

Reconnect to your Celtic heritage

Strengthen your spiritual flame

Tap into your sacred power and spiritual gifts

Work with nature in new mystical ways

Find belonging with like-minded people

Become the healer you were born to be

Experience the magic of ritual and ceremony

Embrace your best, most authentic self

Make shamanism a regular part of life

“I feel like I’m permanently plugged into the universe now”

“I was kinda-sorta plugged in before, half the time, but the socket was weak, and the power would go out a lot. 😅”

“This program taught me how to connect with my guides on a deeper level”

“Joining the membership community is one the best decisions I’ve made. The program has taught me how to connect with my guides on a deeper level. And all of the membership experiences are invaluable to my progress.”

At the heart of ancient Celtic spirituality and this shamanic training are the 3 inner energy centers called cauldrons.

The three cauldrons store and activate your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies. 

The ancient Celts believed that they could tap into their full creative potential and spiritual power only when all three energy centers were working harmoniously. 

The core of our shamanic training program is rooted in the three Celtic cauldrons thought to be located at your stomach, heart, and head.

Get guided teachings designed to help you activate your inner cauldrons and amplify your spiritual connection:

Each training module features cauldron-specific teachings that focus on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual layers of your being and come with beginner-friendly lessons, a self-paced format, and step-by-step instructions.



Start strong with basic shamanic skills and essential knowledge. .

Great for beginners!

Quickly get up to speed on foundational skills. So you can complete upcoming cauldron-themed lessons with confidence. 

In the introductory lessons, you’ll:  

🧡 Learn the basics of Celtic journeying, including how to set intentions, hold sacred space, and safely interact with the spirit world

🧡 Take your first Celtic Immra (journey) to meet your Spirit Guides with Rhonda leading the way

🧡 Learn easy animistic practices to connect to the spirit and interconnected nature of all living beings

🧡  a full walkthrough of the 3 cauldron power centres, their Celtic origins, and what role they play in your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional transformation

LOWER CAULDRON | Coire Goriath: The Cauldron of Warming


Restore vital life force. And reclaim your truest sense of Self.

Coire goriath, the Cauldron of Warming, holds the root of Self. To balance the lower cauldron, this module will help you shed self-sabotage, toxic thoughts, false narratives, and the limiting beliefs that deplete essential life force energy. Use these teachings to ground and center yourself and return a purer, more authentic version of You.

In lower cauldron lessons, you’ll

💚 Identify and transform toxic thought patterns and free your mind from self-imposed psychological bondage. 

💚 Diffuse emotionally triggering memories and release past traumas using recapitulation, an ancient technique for retrieving and healing your energy.

💚 Make peace with where you stand, even if it’s not where you want to be… yet, with the freeing philosophy of “dig where you stand.”

💚 Get a tour of the three worlds of Celtic Cosmology, Sky (nem), Earth (talam), & Sea (muir), and learn how to access them and for what purposes

💚 Create simple and personal shamanic ceremonies to enhance your spiritual goals and support personal healing

💚 Create simple and personal shamanic ceremonies to enhance your spiritual goals and support personal healing

💚 Grab practical techniques to sync your body with timeless earthly rhythms and benefit from the grounding and healing power of the natural world

MIDDLE CAULDRON | Coire Erma: The Cauldron of Motion

Build spiritual and emotional stability. And infuse your life with love and courage.

Coire erma, the Cauldron of Motion, is the place of shadow, emotion, and how we present ourselves to the world. To balance the middle cauldron, this module will help you gently release blame, your lack of boundaries, and the aspects of your shadow self that hold you hostage spiritually. Use these teachings to heal your heart, protect your energy, and build happiness-boosting resilience.   

In your middle cauldron lessons, you’ll: 

 💙 Put personal and energetic boundaries in place and honor them, so you can cut out self-sacrificing and people-pleasing tendencies

💙 Uncover your inner shadows, those repressed parts of yourself, so you can embrace all the pieces that make you YOU

💙 Learn how to recognize the energy vampires in your life and deal with them in ways that preserve your energy.

💙 Embrace the Four Divisions of Sorrow as the Celts did,  so you can stop fearing this natural part of the human experience and unleash more joy in your life

💙 Make offerings of all types, a traditional animist practice that lets you give thanks and show reference to the spirits you share the world with

💙 Understand the spiritual power of perception and its impact on your reality and how deliberately changing your perception can change your life. 

💙 Learn to express negative emotion in a healthy way without unintentionally sending out harmful psychic energies

UPPER CAULDRON | Coire Sois: The Cauldron of Wisdom

Fully align with your higher Self. And receive Imbas, the divine knowledge of the Gods. .

Coire sois, the Cauldron of Wisdom, is the center of your higher Self and the portal through which you receive divine wisdom. To activate the upper cauldron, this module will teach you advanced techniques to develop your spiritual gifts, intensify your intuition, and explore even more of the mysteries of the unseen realms. So you can unlock divinely-sparked creativity, intuition, and inspiration in your life.

In your upper cauldron lessons, you’ll: 

🧡 Co-create more advanced, sacred ceremonies with the support of your Spirit Guides to enhance personal intentions and goals

🧡 Learn the transformative technique of shapeshifting, the crane wounding spell, Morrighan’s shapeshifting lore

🧡 Use your ‘inner compass’ to guide you toward which cauldron and sacred bodies need attention and healing 

🧡 Develop a healthy balance in your ego and understand why building up your ego often enhances your spiritual and personal growth

🧡 Develop Second Sight as a sacred animist tool for deeper perception and understanding and open your spiritual senses to all the wisdom that’s whispered throughout the universe

🧡 Embrace the magic of the mundane everyday connections with family, nature, and fleeting moments of joy. 

🧡 Learn how to trust your intuition and yourself and not rely on the empty external validation of others when figuring out how to embrace your most authentic life

🧡 Use stones and their inherent memories and powers to amplify your personal intentions and deepen your connection to the earth and your spirituality

🧡 Learn how to listen to the messages and memories in stones and finally understand why you’re inexplicably  drawn to these age-old artifacts

🧡 Connect with Imbas, the divine knowledge of the Gods, to access greater creativity, inspiration, and personal power

🧡 Tap into the ancient magic of the land and the Old Gods, while co-create ceremonies that honor and invoke the powerful spirits and stories of the lands you call home

“The three cauldrons journey was really impactful. I was hooked!”

“I'm like, wow, this is what I have been looking for. I was very clear that it was a path for me. For the first time in a long time, I felt energized around my own self.”

Thanks to extra introductory lessons on Celtic journeying (called Immra) and spiritual safety, this training is also an easy start for beginners.

“I have all of the tools to connect more deeply with my spirit guides and ancestors”

“I was somewhat familiar with Shamanic practices—but I had not practiced myself. Now I feel like I have all of the tools to connect more deeply with my spirit guides and ancestors. I am learning more about the Shamanic path and how to bring the practices and wisdom into my personal spiritual journey.”

Bring Celtic magic to life with guided rituals, ceremonies, and journeys to the spirit realm.

This isn’t a textbook type of training. It’s a spiritual experience. Build altars. Make offerings. Conduct ceremonies. Make talismans. Take omen walks. Travel to the Otherworld. And more.

Each cauldron-themed training module comes with special rituals, ceremonies, and guided journeys. So you can actively participate in all the magic this powerful ancient practice has to offer.

When you become a member, you’ll have instant access to:

Guided Cauldron Journey

Meet the energy of the cauldrons and energetically prepare for upcoming healing work. .

Journey to the Subconscious Mind

Delve into the depths of your psyche and gently release the draining energy of negative thoughts

Resilience Breathwork Ceremony 

Channel the life-sustaining power of your breath to reveal and heal long-held emotional wounds.

Guardian Guide Journey

Meet your Guardian Guide, a spiritual ally you can call on for energetic protection and emotional support

Stone-breath Ceremony

Use a bardic-inspired breathwork technique to regulate your nervous system and restore calm to your body.

Liquid-Light Healing Ceremony

Absorb liquid light to stimulate deep spiritual healing of the lower cauldron and return lost life force.

Personal Altar Ceremony

Draw on elements of the Celtic Wheel of the Year or Wisdom Wheel to promote lower cauldron healing on a daily basis. 

Elemental Healing Ceremony

Tap into the healing and rejuvenating properties of earth, water, light, and oxygen.

Talisman Ceremony

Release blame and supernaturally strengthen emotional boundaries with a self-made Talisman.

Dismemberment Journey

Delve into the depths of your psyche and gently release the draining energy of negative thoughts

Transmutation Ceremony

Combine vocal toning, physical movement, and the symbolic strength of bone and stone to transform you on all levels.

Omen Walking

Elevate physical and spiritual awareness and make meaningful connections between your inner and outer worlds with this simple, do-it-anywhere animist ritual.

Ancestral Breath Ceremony

Release old narratives and stories that no longer serve you to make space for new stories and realities to be written.

Shapeshifting Ceremony

Explore different aspects of your being and the wider spiritual world s you embody the shapeshifting power of the Morrighan.

Soul-remembering Ceremony

Journey back to right before your moment of conception to recall your Soul’s purpose for this lifetime.

Journey to the Void

Explore the spaces between known realities as realms of potential, transformation, and profound connection.

Living Myth Journey

Exploring your ancestral cellular memory and the deep connections between self, ancestors, land, and the cosmos..

Beth dreamwalked to the Otherworld and met her first spirit guide.

“This AM right before waking when I had a random “dream” somewhere between sleep and awake. I had an animal come to me. I have never been able to see here or even imagine an animal guide before. It wasn’t a fearful experience. This [community] has opened my eyes, my heart, my mind, and my spirit…”

Bethany uses omen walking to joyfully experience nature in a new way.

“I’m really enjoying omen walking, and feel I get the most connection when I journey in this way.

I went down to the allotment today and lit a ceremonial fire and said goodbye to energy no longer serving me then sat with eyes closed and in the peace and quiet, letting the birdsong speak to my heart. It was blissful.”

Come together for live ceremonies and retreats and feel the transformative power of collective focus.

There is nothing quite like the excitement and zing of energy that comes from the collective focus of dozens of shamanic people. Feel it for yourself when you join us for live virtual ceremonies and celebrations offered alongside your on-demand training.

Monthly Live Q&A Sessions

LIVE (With Replays) 

Witness the gentle guidance of Spirit flow through Rhonda as she gives practical feedback on whatever issues you face right now. So bring your burning questions, spiritual challenges, and quests for clarity to these block-busting coaching calls.

Can’t join live?

Not an issue. You can submit your question beforehand and catch the recording later.

✓ FREE – Included with membership! 

Monthly New Moon Ceremonies


We gather under the new moon every month for unique, Spirit-inspired ceremonies led by Rhonda. Join us and discover how to use the symbolic power of a fresh lunar cycle to magnify cauldron healing and amplify your spiritual intentions. 

New Moon Ceremonies take place at 7 PM GMT/BST during each new moon throughout the year. 

✓ FREE – Included with membership!

Seasonal Shamanic Retreats


We gather as a community every season for immersive and supportive virtual retreat experiences, featuring cauldron-themed workshops, rejuvenating sound baths, and peaceful healing circles. Join us to create sacred time and space for rest and renewal. And enhance your sense of self-empowerment and motivation.

✓ FREE – Included with membership! 

Seasonal Shamanic Retreats


We gather as a community every season for immersive and supportive virtual retreat experiences, featuring cauldron-themed workshops, rejuvenating sound baths, and peaceful healing circles. Join us to create sacred time and space for rest and renewal. And enhance your sense of self-empowerment and motivation.

✓ FREE – Included with membership! 

“For the first time, I made a real connection.”

“The workshops are amazing and the ceremonies are brilliant. For the first time, I made a real connection. No words I write can fully describe how it feels. So have a look because there’s nothing like experiencing it for yourself.”

Get exclusive invites to guest workshops featuring skilled practitioners. And add fun, new spiritual tools to your practice.

Here’s what we have planned next: 

Samhain Online Retreat. 

🗓️ Thursday 31st Oct  – Sat 2nd Nov 2024 @ Various times TBD

Expect Samhain workshops, rejuvenating sound baths, and peaceful healing circles. 

Monthly Live Q&A with Rhonda

🗓️ Thursday October 17th @6.30 – 7.30pm BST

Ask Rhonda your burning questions about Celtic Shamanism, The Cauldron’s Way or anything else you need clarity on. 

Can’t make it live? Just submit your question beforehand and catch the replay. 

New Moon Ceremony

🗓️ Weds Oct 2nd –  7 – 8 pm BST

Join us and discover how to use the symbolic power of a fresh lunar cycle to magnify cauldron healing and amplify your spiritual intentions. 

Workshop topics, speakers, and dates are subject to change. 

Replays of all past workshops are available in the member portal.

Plus, unlock bonus teachings and tools on everything from shamanic astrology to Celtic herbal folk magic.


Learn how to safely journey to the spirit realm and interpret Guide-given signs and symbols with confidence.

Celtic Shamanism in Daily Life

Grab easy animistic ideas for weaving the magic of shamanism into your regular routine, like when driving your car!


Work with the planets, constellations, and cycles of the moon to support your cauldron healing work.

Celtic Herbal
Folk Magic

Learn to use herbs (nature’s medicine) to enhance your spiritual and physical health like your ancestors did.

The Indoor & Urban Shaman System

Find out how to connect with the earth and its elements even when you feel cut off from the natural world

Releasing Spiritual Resistance

Finally, break the bonds of self-sabotage and create the mental space to move forward. Even if resistance has kept you stuck for years.

Family Engagement Toolkit

Use Rhonda’s simple scripts and exercises to help your loved ones understand (and even participate in!) your new spiritual path.

Creating Time

Learn how to do more of what matters to you. Without guilt. And without sacrificing sleep or other must-do responsibilities.

And the ever popular…

Spiritual Emergency Room: 10+ relaxing healing circles for quick relief from I-didn’t-see-this-coming dilemmas

Like a gentle guided meditation with a shamanic spin, healing circles are a sacred way to bring profound healing into physical, emotional, and spiritual planes. 

The next time a problem pops out of nowhere and throws you off balance, visit the Spiritual Emergency Room and queue up a relieving healing circle for peace, focus, motivation, and more.

No waiting! Get instant access to all on-demand teachings and tools immediately after signup.


If the Celtic stuff you’ve read online sounds more like make-believe than real life, you’ll appreciate that this shamanic training is based on how our Celtic ancestors actually lived and believed.

At the Centre for Shamanism, our ultimate goal is to use Celtic wisdom to enhance everyday modern-life moments. 

We draw inspiration from ancient historical practices. Like the three cauldrons. And then we rely on our spirit team to guide us on how to use them for practical purposes. Like healing from past trauma, finding peace in difficult relationships, or cultivating the courage to follow our life’s purpose. 

If you’re looking for an academic history lesson, this isn’t it. But if you’re looking for a spiritual experience grounded in ancient Celtic traditions, we have so much to share with you. 

The perfect blend of intellectual and spiritual. With tons of integration!

With Rhonda's stuff, there was that perfect blend of the intellectual and the science with the spiritual. The fact that it’s the history as well as direct revelation. There’s this acknowledgment that it has to be the blend of the two. What ties that together for me is the focus on integration. The [program] had a level of depth and also step-by-step integration that I had not seen in an online program before.

Studying the Ancient Ways from a practical perspective is helping Kathryn fill spiritual voids.

“I came here thinking I was going to learn about Shamanism from an academic perspective! What I found was a safe, nurturing Shamanic practitioner and community where I could learn about the Ancient Ways which are allowing me to learn how to heal myself, fill spiritual voids, and discover how to forgive myself! I feel so deeply connected to myself and the Universe! I have come home!”


Throughout the week, Rhonda and her team of trusted mentors actively answer your questions in our private community.

In our community, you’re never lost or alone. You can ask for our experiences and insights on any topic imaginable, from facing your fears to working with weather spirits. We’ll even help you make sense of your latest what-did-that-mean?! journey confusion.

Journey Interpretation Support

Interpreting journeys is a skill like any other. When you’re stuck, ask our mentors to help you sort out a journey’s meaning or a specific message from your Guides.

Private Member-Only Community Space

Our community is hosted on the Circle platform, not on Facebook. So you can safely share your spiritual stories in a private space only accessible by members

A Growing Library of FAQs at your Fingertips

Geek out shaman-style in our ever-growing library of video FAQs ft. our founder Rhonda. And benefit from the wisdom called forth by other members.

“Rhonda and the group are always there for me”

“I love how welcoming each member is and how we all look out for each other. Nobody gives unwanted advice, just shared experiences. Best decision I ever made!”

“a place that knows no hate, no falsehoods and that embraces all”

“This community is a place that knows no hate, knows no falsehoods, that embraces all who want to learn about the ancient practice of [Celtic] Shamanism. It’s a community that embraces the idea that we are all valuable and we all are meant to live out our own life’s journey. Come on over and join our merry band of tree-hugging, soul-searching seekers of ancient wisdom.”

Meet your community mentors, highly respected shamanic practitioners who possess the spiritual mastery to coach you to greater wisdom.

Without blindly telling you what to do #nogurus

Rhonda McCrimmon

Celtic Shaman & Seer

Rhonda has been a practising shaman for over a decade. 

As the founder of the Centre for Shamanism, author of the groundbreaking book The Cauldron and the Drum, and featured teacher at the Gathering of the Shamans, she has taught tens of thousands of spiritual students the mystical ways of the Celts. 

Her goal? Teaching that Ancestral ways are lessons: not laws.

Wendy Dooner

Medical Herbalist & Shamanic Practitioner

Jayne Goodsir

Shamanic Reiki Practitioner & Shamanic Astrologist, trained by Rhonda

Maria Morrigan

Shamanic Astrologist & Tarot Reader

de Graaf

Artist & Shamanic Practitioner trained by Rhonda

Toni Fletcher Jennings

Reiki & Shamanic Practitioner, trained by Rhonda


Reiki & Shamanic Practitioner, trained by Rhonda

Encouraging mentorship helped Peggy do the spiritual work she needed to grow.

“Rhonda and the other teachers balance encouraging words, personal experience, and gentle challenges to old methods of living and being. They don’t encourage you to stay stagnant but to grow. It has given me a safe space to ask questions, gain support in my goals, and go deeper than I expected to go. And when growth feels messy and painful, they are always there for support, enabling me to do the work necessary in a safe space.”

Sharon finally found the genuine and experienced teacher she was searching for.

“Before joining, I was afraid I wouldn’t find genuine teachers. But from that first time seeing Rhonda, I just knew this was the right choice for me. Rhonda is experienced and has a beautiful way of guiding new seekers and supporting their own personal development whilst always holding a very safe space. Her range of knowledge is amazing.”


Our community isn’t only for support. It’s where you make soul-soothing connections with people who get you.

In a world that’s quick to tell you who should be and even quicker to shame you for daring to be different, our shamanic tribe is a safe place where you can explore and express yourself. Without explanation. And without judgment.

From feeling different, weird, and alone to finding her people.

“Being part of such an open, compassionate, and caring community has taken away that feeling of being different, weird, and alone and allows me to feel empowered to follow my own path knowing there is support always available should I need it.”

“It’s like having a spiritual family”

“Being part of the membership has been like having a spiritual family. You don’t need to be in touch all the time, you can share your success and get support when you’re down. It’s a place where I can be my deepest spiritual self and in being that I can grow more than I ever could on my own.”

No judgment. No shoulds. No spiritual egos.

Here’s how our ethics create the safe, supportive, and judgment-free space members can’t find anywhere else: 

The I-Language Boundary

Members are encouraged to share personal experiences, not advice. This boundary (what we call using “I-language”) prevents unsolicited input, judgment, and people just plain telling you what you “should” do. Here, you’ll only get advice from trained mentors who know how to coach you to greater understanding and only when you ask for it.

Your journey is YOUR journey.

Your Spirit Guides will share specific messages that are meaningful to YOU. Not anyone else. So you can’t compare your shamanic experiences to another’s or to some false ideal of what it “should” be. Whatever you see, hear, and feel will always be just right for what you need right now. And no one can EVER tell you that your experience is wrong.

Thanks to I-language, introvert Ioana feels safe enough to share her struggles and stories.

“I love the group! I feel connected to everyone and the I language rule is great. Shared experiences are indeed something from which I can draw what I need and not just being given advice. I feel inspired by all the people in the group and it’s an achievement for an introvert like me. I feel like I belong.”

Plus! The structured training, regular ceremonies, and active community create the perfect conditions for consistency.

“It becomes a part of your life”

“I love the homework. It could be little ceremonies, exercises, journeys … because you’re actually putting it into practice, you know, on your own. So it becomes a part of your life.”

“helped me maintain momentum”

“I was drawn to Shamanism but unsure how to bring it into my life in a way that felt natural. Having regular sessions has helped me maintain momentum while I established how Shamanism fits into my life and daily/ weekly practices. In this environment, I’ve found learning and experimenting with my journey motivating and encouraging.”

No Celtic ancestry? We welcome you! The loving ancestors are accessible to ALL who seek them.

The Centre for Shamanism is and always will be an open and inclusive space. Anyone who feels called to follow this path is invited to explore it. Without fear of cultural appropriation. 

Why not take advantage of this 30-day money-back guarantee and give yourself the space to explore worry-free?

“30-Day No-Questions-Asked Money Back Guarantee”

This training program and member community have the power to profoundly change your life on all levels. With hundreds of happy members who’ve stayed with us for years, we’re confident you’ll find a home here. But…

We also know that trying something new is sometimes scary. So we’re giving you a full 30 days to see if the Cauldrons Way is right for you. 

That’s plenty of time to… 

  • dig into the lower cauldron lessons

  • take a few guided journeys. 

  • participate in gentle healing ceremonies. 

  • hop into the community and browse active discussions…

And see for yourself if this is where you belong. 

If it’s not, we’ll issue you a full refund. No questions. No conditions. No hassle. Simply email our support team and let us know.

Join our one-of-a-kind Celtic shamanic community today

Enjoy instant access to all on-demand teachings and tools and automatic access to all upcoming events.


Your all-access pass to everything inside:
$ 99
USD/Month -
Cancel any time
  • The Three Cauldrons training program
  • Live monthly coaching sessions (with replays)
  • Live monthly new moon ceremonies (with replays)
  • Seasonal shamanic retreats (with replays)
  • 16+ on-demand rituals, ceremonies & guided journeys
  • Guest workshops with skilled practitioners
  • All bonus teachings and tools on topics from shamanic astrology to Celtic herbal folk magic
  • Mentorship from 7 shamanic practitioners, including Rhonda McCrimmon
  • Ongoing journey interpretation support inside the community
  • 24/7 access to our private members-only community via desktop or mobile app
  • Plus access to all new content and replays as we add them

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With this community as your touchstone, every day can be an otherworldly adventure.

“I'd never realized until this work with Rhonda that this could be part of my life every day, all the time. It was always my journey work and my shamanic work was always somewhat compartment. Compartmentalized. So I always had to be able to go to my room and sit and journey and get my messages through this program. Now I know that I can walk outside and I can connect with my guides. I can connect with my ancestors if I need to have support, I can be with the family, and I can simply just close my eyes and take a couple of deep breaths.

And so it's now completely integrated into my life, and I did not know that was possible.”

How do you know if The Cauldrons Way is right for you? It’s simple.

You sense it in your spirit.

A calling. A pull. Signs. Synchronicities. A curiosity you can’t explain. However, you’d describe it, these signals are Spirit telling you: There is something important for you here. 

That’s why there are no complicated criteria for joining The Cauldrons Way. You don’t need shamanic experience. You don’t need Celtic ancestry. You don’t even have to explain what it was that drew you here. 

Spirit led you here for a reason. Discovering why is part of the ever-unfolding adventure. So if it feels right, we welcome you to walk this healing and fulfilling path with us.

“Everything just felt right”

When I joined the Community and sat in with the first journey with Rhonda, I was just like, I think this is it. Everything just felt right.


“No, you don’t need ANY experience. This training program will teach you everything you need to know.”

And answers to other smart questions: 

None. This membership has plenty to offer people of all experience levels. We welcome a mix of members, from complete beginners to those with years of shamanic experience. 

Your shamanic path will be unique to you. The work is internal. No matter where you’re starting from, The Cauldrons Way will give you the training, tools, and support to help you take your next steps toward both your spiritual and personal goals. Even if you don’t know what those are yet. 


Absolutely. Many of our members start as complete beginners with no prior experience with Celtic Shamanism or any shamanism for that matter.  

We have included special introductory and bonus lessons specifically for you. Plus, throughout the training program, all pre-recorded teachings, rituals, and ceremonies include clear and descriptive explanations. Most of the journeying audio tracks are also guided by Rhonda’s drumming and gentle vocal instruction.

You can do this. Even if you never tried anything quite like it before.

Yes! Here’s what our more advanced members tell us about their experiences: 

  • They both discover new shamanic techniques and dive deeper into familiar practices (like journeying). 

  • They find Rhonda’s perspective and teaching approach refreshing and better fitting for them. 

  • They learn new rituals and ways to incorporate ceremony into their lives. 

  • And they meet tons of new shamanic friends with whom they can share themselves and their spiritual experiences. 

Celtic Shamanism is an ever-expanding adventure. We’re confident there is more for you to explore in The Cauldrons Way even if you’ve been on your spiritual path for a while now. 

As factual as it can be. The Celts held oral histories. As such, much of how they lived is lost to history. Yet still, some traditions remain. 

In this program, we draw inspiration from known Celtic practices based on academic research and then let our Spirit Guides fill in the gaps, guiding us to greater understanding. 

Most importantly, our focus is to apply these spiritual practices to modern-day situations, so we all can create the best, happiest, and most authentic lives possible.

If you’re looking for a history class, this isn’t it. 

But if you’re searching for a spiritual experience grounded in as much as we know about ancient Celtic traditions, this membership is exactly that.

Absolutely! We welcome everyone. The loving ancestors are available to all who seek them. So no Celtic ancestry is required to join this community. 

We teach Celtic Shamanism as an open practice. That means anyone who feels called to follow this path is welcome to explore it. Without fear of cultural appropriation. 

You live on stolen land, but you did not steal it. And as much as you might wish to, you cannot change the past. You have nothing to be guilty or ashamed of. This world was made by those who came before.

In my opinion, it’s up to you to ask your Spirit Guides how to live in harmony with the lands you call home.  

As a starting point, you can acknowledge the spirits of the land, give offerings of connection, and thank them for their presence. Let them know: You now live on this land, and although these lands are not your ancestral home, you’d like to move forward in the spirit of reverence, love, and reconciliation.

Inside the Cauldrons Way, we teach you ways to work with land spirits, make offerings, and even design unique ceremonies that could aid you in this quest. 

I would also advise you to reach out to any active indigenous communities where you live and ask them what they would like from you. Get it from the “horse’s mouth” so to speak – not from me, Google, or random forums who don’t have any direct experience or education on this issue.

Both. Much of The Cauldrons Way comes pre-recorded so that you can work through it at your own pace. Those trainings, rituals, ceremonies, and journeys are available on demand inside the member portal. 

We also host live events like the monthly new moon ceremonies, occasional guest workshops, and quarterly virtual retreats. New Moon ceremonies always take place at 7 PM GMT/BST (Scottish time). Other timings vary from event to event depending on who is involved. The details are always posted in the membership portal at least a month or so ahead of time. 

When scheduling, we always do our best to accommodate as many members as possible. And yes, live events are recorded, and the replays are posted inside the member portal shortly afterward.

Of course. There is no minimum commitment for membership. Subscriptions renew month to month. You can cancel your membership at any time via your member portal. 

Yes! We’re giving you a full 30 days to see if the Cauldrons Way is right for you. That’s plenty of time to… 

  • dig into the lower cauldron lessons
  • take a few guided journeys. 
  • participate in gentle healing ceremonies. 
  • hop into the community and browse active discussions…

And see for yourself if this is where you belong. If it’s not, we’ll issue you a full refund. No questions. No conditions. No hassle. Simply email our support team and let us know:

We’re happy to answer them. Click the chat box on the bottom right of your screen or email us at

Hundreds of members are already experiencing the life-altering spiritual adventure that is Celtic Shamanism:

Rachel has been a member for 5 years and counting and is now one of your community mentors.

“These have been the most transformative years of my life: learning at my own pace, sharing with others in the community, putting my learning into action, seeing myself change, and others seeing it too. I am more at peace with myself than I have ever been. My relationships have changed. I have a deeper connection with myself, my family, my guides, nature, and everything around me. I am happy and at peace. This membership is worth every penny. I’m so grateful.”

Cleo’s shamanic work is intensifying her intuitive powers.

“This work has deepened and heightened my intuitive powers and also improved my ability to interpret situations better. I definitely do not feel stuck anymore. I feel excited and alive. I feel as if I’ve just been given the powers of the portal. But what I wasn’t expecting was the deepening of my experience of everyday life that has been happening.”

After years of searching, Norma finally found her spiritual home.

“I wandered through a lot of different “spiritual” classes, and training before joining the membership. But now I have stopped looking elsewhere because I have found my tribe. Gosh, that statement gives me a sense of peace!”

“community, healing, and spiritual confidence… it was a worthwhile investment in myself”

“The membership has given me so much; community, healing, and spiritual confidence. It was a worthwhile investment in myself and a decision I will never regret. The content goes deep and holds space for you to heal yourself.”


Finally, gain the Celtic shamanic skills you need to step into your spiritual power and tune into the magic all around you.

With instant access, you can dive in immediately. That means, within the first 60 minutes of joining, you could take your first Celtic journey to the Otherworld with Rhonda leading the way. Maybe you’ll meet a new Spirit Guide. Exciting, isn’t it?


Your all-access pass to everything inside:
$ 99
  • The Three Cauldrons training program
  • Live monthly coaching sessions (with replays)
  • Monthly new moon ceremonies (with replays)
  • Seasonal shamanic retreats
  • 16+ on-demand rituals, ceremonies & guided journeys
  • Guest workshops with skilled practitioners
  • All bonus teachings and tools on topics from shamanic astrology to Celtic herbal folk magic
  • Mentorship from 7 shamanic practitioners, including Rhonda McCrimmon
  • Ongoing journey interpretation support inside the community
  • 24/7 access to our private members-only community via desktop or mobile app
  • Plus access to all new content and replays as we add them

Secure checkout | 30-day money-back guarantee | Cancel any time

Got questions? We have answers. Email us at:

“Worth every penny”

The membership has ticked so many boxes for me, and I haven’t even come close to exhausting those resources. The content, the community, and the resources far exceeded my expectations.”

“I now have a deeper connection with my spirit team and trust that connection.”

“My confidence has grown. I am sure of my path and my purpose. I have healed so much within myself and that has all had a beautiful ripple effect for my whole household. I have boundaries where none existed before. I no longer involve myself in the business of others or try to fix them. I have stopped robbing my husband of his own power. I feel worthy of my pathway and stand by what I know are my truths.”

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