This is where you uncover the spiritual secrets of the ancient Celts and create a deeply connected and magical life.
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Join our one-of-a-kind Celtic shamanic community today
Honour your ancestors. Commune with the natural and spiritual worlds. And step into the sacred power that is your birthright. Inside The Cauldrons Way, a guided training program and a one-of-a-kind tribe of Celtic spiritual explorers.
⭐️ With our conscious pricing tiers, you can choose the membership level that aligns with your needs—all tiers provide the same full access and benefits ⭐️
“I now trust my connection with my spirit team.”
“My confidence has grown. I am sure of my path and my purpose. I have healed so much within myself and that has all had a beautiful ripple effect for my whole household. I have boundaries where none existed before. I feel worthy of my pathway and stand by what I know are my truths.”
Worth every penny!
The membership has ticked so many boxes for me, and I haven’t even come close to exhausting those resources. The content, the community, and the resources far exceeded my expectations.”
After years of searching, Norma finally found her spiritual home.
"I wandered through a lot of different “spiritual” classes, and training before joining the membership. But now I have stopped looking elsewhere because I have found my tribe. Gosh, that statement gives me a sense of peace!”
Cleo’s shamanic work is intensifying her intuitive powers.
“This work has deepened and heightened my intuitive powers and also improved my ability to interpret situations better. I definitely do not feel stuck anymore. I feel excited and alive. I feel as if I’ve just been given the powers of the portal. But what I wasn’t expecting was the deepening of my experience of everyday life that has been happening.”
The Cauldron and the Drum: A Journey into Celtic Shamanism – Available to pre-order now!
In this groundbreaking book, Rhonda McCrimmon explains the origin and practices of Celtic shamanism, and teaches readers about the three energetic cauldrons and how to work with them.
According to over a thousand years of Celtic tradition, the root of a person’s physical, spiritual and emotional health comes from the three Cauldron Power Centers found in the energetic body. The Celts believed a person must activate, nurture, and maintain all three cauldrons to live a whole, connected, meaningful life.
In this book you will learn how to bring your energetic cauldrons into balance, in addition to exploring the tradition of Celtic fire festivals and the sacred practice of saining. Regardless of your ancestral roots, Celtic Shaman Rhonda McCrimmon invites you to partake of this ancient wisdom and begin your journey down the shaman’s path.
Hi, I’m Rhonda

Like many, I once lived a life that felt disconnected, unfulfilling & mundane. On the outside, I was a successful accountant. But on the inside, I was miserable.
That was until I found Celtic Shamanism.
Now I live a joyful, fulfilling, and deeply connected life as a Celtic seer & shaman.
What I learned walking the path of Celtic Shamanism turned my life around in such a wonderful way. Since then, I’ve taught thousands of people to do the same.
Everyone (including you!) has a birthright to access the life-changing power within to create a mystical, magical life.

Rhonda McCrimmon
Celtic Shaman & Seer
Founder | Centre for Shamanism
Creator of The Cauldrons Way
“Rhonda is the real deal folks. The sessions I’ve experienced have opened internal doors and granted insights that are changing my life and helping me to grow into my higher self.”

Feenix MB
“This community has been such a welcoming and wonderful place. The free content, which I have just scratched the surface of, has given me such joy and hope. I am excited to have found a spiritual path that feels like a fit.”

Diana FC


Tune in for tips & teachings to support this spiritual journey of self-discovery.
Queue up Spirit-inspired episodes on topics like overcoming fear, healing from trauma, and setting joy-boosting boundaries.
Each podcast episode comes with an activity suggestion for weekly journeys and personal work. So you can put these life-changing teachings into practice right away.
★★★★★ – “Rhonda – I love your message – this podcast is the best podcast I have listened to in so long. So reassuring, informative and I am so glad I found you!” – Ghoulies