EP 25 - Five Key Steps to Finding the Sacred in Everyday Life
What is Sacred anyway?
In this podcast I talk about how I found the sacred in my life. I asked myself the question often ‘what is sacred anyway’? It made no sense to me and I also thought that I was looking for a thing, an object, something tangible I could hold onto. I was looking in all the wrong places!
I talk about my realisation that the sacred is not separate. It’s not a thing to find and add to our life. Rather it is our life. The sacred is in everything. From making a cup of tea, to a beautiful dawn or making dinner or even, yes, doing the dishes!
I also talked about the 5 Key steps to finding the Sacred in your life – here is the list for you again:
- KNOWING that those sacred moments are available to you. This is real and it will appear for you (if it hasn’t already!)
- REMEMBERING one moment in your life that you recognise as sacred. (birth, death, a special ceremony, a life-changing conversation). Write this down and take yourself back to that moment. Feel it in your body. Keep that memory present and allow this feeling to remind you of other moments in your life that are sacred for you.
- Setting an INTENTION for your day and asking for the sacred to become visible for you (check out podcast 12 for 6 key ways to work with intention)
- CONSITENCY is key 0 there is no magic bullet. Daily small efforts will reveal the sacred to you.
- BE IN NATURE to support you to reconnect with the sacred in your life.
I suggested a Shamanic Journey idea and promised to remind you so here it is
Go out into nature and find a place that you are comfortable with. Go on a Journey in this place with your Guides and the Spirit of Nature that you are with (you can use am actual drum if appropriate or a drumming track on headphones). Ask to feel the Sacred in your body in a way that will help you to identify the sacred in your life more often.
If you don’t Journey yet, sit with a tree, river, meadow or other place in Nature and close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Ask Nature to allow the sacred to flow through you supporting you to understand what that feels like for you. Stay with this for a while and notice what you experience in your body.
Remember to pop over to our Facebook Group and share your own sacred experiences
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This is where you master the spiritual secrets of the ancient Celts and create a deeply connected and magical life.
Step into the Centre’s very special Shamanic sanctuary. Inside the Cauldrons Way, you’ll find live gatherings, ceremonies, retreats and guided teachings designed to help you activate your inner cauldrons and amplify your spiritual connection. Plus, you get near-daily support from Rhonda and her team of six trusted practitioners.
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