ShamanTalk Episode 69

How to Create, Build & Maintain a Sacred Altar

Space has power.

It either resonates with you, or it doesn’t. Like everything in life, the spaces around us are imbued with energy.

 Space supports and empowers you, or it undermines and drains your energy. In other words, if the energy of a place supports the idea of sacredness, the person in that room will find it much easier to resonate with their own sacredness. It is easy to see why creating your own sacred space is essential.

 Sacred spaces make us feel comfortable, welcomed, supported and loved. Sacred spaces are also vital containers of positive intention and action.

 In this podcast, we will establish a regular spiritual practice and create your own sacred altar space.


The benefits of creating an altar include:

  • Having a physical expression of your commitment, personal goal or desire.


  • Having a symbolic collection/meeting place of tools to enhance your spiritual practice.


  • Enjoying a sacred space dedicated to your work.


  • Making your deepest spiritual needs a physical part of your life.


  • Gaining a spiritual centre in your life that you can work with every day.


  • Having a source of positive energy that fills your home.


  • Feeling a sense of empowerment through creativity & connection 

Step 1. Choose a place that feels right but don’t overthink it!

 If you have the option for a quiet place to dedicate to your altar space, then fantastic! 

 Many of us don’t have that option. For years, my altar was in my bedroom in a small corner. My husband and daughter were always very respectful when I was sitting at my altar space.

Step 2. Cleanse the space.

 In all the usual ways, sounds, smoke, intention or with light (such as a candle)

 Step 3. Begin to gather objects that are meaningful to you.

Here are some things people tend to include on their altars:

– Objects that represent your spirit guides

– Objects that represent a spiritual teacher

– Objects that reflect yin/yang, light/dark, masculine/feminine

– Objects that represent the body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit

– Objects that represent the elements of fire, water, earth, & air

– Objects that represent qualities that one most wishes to embody (e.g. freedom, love)

– Objects that represent your inner child

– Objects that represent the cycle of life, death, and transformation

– Objects that amplify energy (e.g. your sacred objects)

– Any other objects that are inspiring, powerful or helpful

 Here is a list you may find helpful:

– candles

– statues

– feathers

– stones

– crystals

– decorative stands

– inspiring quotes

– a journal

– written notes

– prayer books

– rosary beads

– skulls or bones

– alive plants

– water

– shells

– flower petals

– symbols

– sand

– salt

– photos

– oracle or tarot cards

– pebbles

– essential oils

 You can include on your altar anything you wish. Just make sure you design it the way you would like it, not how you think it should look or that other people tell you is correct.

 Step 4. Arrange your altar.

Once you have found your sacred space, cleansed it, and got an idea of what objects to include, you’ll need to arrange your altar.

 You are free to arrange your altar in any way you wish.

 I set my altar up using the four sacred directions, in the form of a Medicine Wheel. I use a compass and ensure my North faces directionally North etc.

 You can set your alter however you feel drawn to. Perhaps you can journey to the Spirit of your Altar and ask for guidance, as suggested in the Journeys section below.

 Step 5. Maintain your altar

 Keeping an altar clean and tidy is essential for me: it shows respect for your practice. After all, it is supposed to be your sacred space. Do this as regularly as you feel necessary.

 Your altar doesn’t need to stay the same! I change mine regularly. You are free to change it, adjust it, add to it, or take away from it whenever you choose. As your inner work develops, you might find that certain items on your altar are no longer relevant or necessary.

 As always, allow your altar to be a physical place in which you can sit quietly, reflect, be still, commune with Spirit, thank your guides, show gratitude, and whatever other deep needs you have. Your sacred space is yours to build, alter, nourish, and build a relationship with every day.

 I want to reiterate that your altar is unique to you. What is most important is the energy and intention you imbue into your sacred space. That’s all that ultimately matters.


Activities & Journeys


With your guides, Journey to the Spirit of your Altar and ask to be shown:


  1. a)     (if you have no altar), what is the energy, spirit and benefit of having an altar. What might your altar look like? Where might it like to be placed?


  1. b)     (if you have an altar already), what benefits does your altar create for you & if anything needs updated, changed, or added?


  1. c)     You may wish to simply Journey to and connect with the Spirit of your Altar as a way of deepening your connection to your sacred space.


Feel free to share a photo of your altar in our Facebook community.

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