ShamanTalk Episode 71

Drama Triangle Series
Part 2: The Saviour

I used to have a deep identification with the Saviour Archetype. Like many challenges in my life, the Saviour Archetype was a blessing in disguise.

In the beginning, this need became a driving force in my journey to help heal others and “save” the world. Because of the belief that it was my destiny to help others, I embarked on a profound journey of self-mastery and healing.

I single-mindedly worked towards becoming a full-time healer and do what I loved for a living.

My hard work and determination paid off but little did I know that the Saviour Archetype would become a significant obstacle in my healing practice. When I launched my healing practice, I was super excited to start doing sessions on other people.

However, I soon noticed a pattern. I was attracting many victims who seemed eager to do a session but got limited results because they were unwilling to take responsibility for what was happening in their lives or take action to change it.

But it wasn’t all them, I was attached to their results, and I was doing sessions with the intent to “fix” and change them.

I had to re-imagine what I was vibrating and spent time with my Guides in ceremony to understand why this was happening. My ultimate desire was to work with people who would take full advantage of the tools and resources I provided. I realised that I still needed to work on my own victimisation and the Saviour archetype, so I did just that.

After I had worked diligently to clear the source of these archetypes, I was blown away by the radical change my healing practice experienced:

1) I began attracting more responsible and empowered clients

 2) No longer, I felt that I needed to fix, rescue, or save others. I was only a facilitator, and my clients needed to meet me half-way. I knew that their results were due to how open and how willing to take action they were.

I realised that my Saviour issues were rooted in childhood (as many things are!).

Saviours usually grow up in families where their dependency needs are not acknowledged. It’s a psychological fact that we treat ourselves the way we were treated as children. The budding Saviour grows up in an environment where their needs are negated and tend to treat themselves with the same degree of negligence that they experienced as children. Without permission to take care of themselves, their needs go underground, and they turn instead to taking care of others.

In this episode, we go into more detail and look at ways to start to work effectively to overcome the drive to save and instead move towards personal responsibility and empowerment.

As promised in the podcast, here are some of the questions to ask yourself:

  • Am I helping this person by avoiding natural consequences?
  •  Is this decision made to keep them “happy” or for their overall health?
  • Is my action helping them to get better or me to feel better?
  • Am I being invited to help?
  • Do I “want” to or have to do this?

 What are your fears about not helping, and can you challenge them?

  • The family or others will not like me.
  •  People may complain or not be happy, or my job may be in jeopardy.
  •   I will feel like I am not useful as a loved one or at my job.
  • I feel like I am not able to help.
  •  I am not doing the best that I can.

Some hints & tips for escaping your Saviour drive:

 Answer in unexpected ways

 1: “It looks like you have a problem. What will you do?” (ask questions instead of resolving the problem for the person)

  2: “I feel that you are outraged. Tell me more…” (inquire instead of complaining and taking the Victim’s role).

Move away when you receive a “bait” to hook you into the Triangle.

– Get up, leave, distance yourself, go to the bathroom to have time to think before reacting.

Set up clear boundaries by saying “No” if you don’t want to do something

Always respect yourself.

  1: “I would like to go to the shops with you, but right now, I don’t feel like it.”

  2: “I see why you would ask me to do that, but it’s clearly not my responsibility to do that.”

And there you have it! 

A great start to avoiding the Drama! 



Activities & Journeys

Journey with your Guides to the Spirit of Empowerment. Ask to be shown energetically what it means to escape the bonds of the Saviour. Ask for a healing to support you to make this shift.

How to Avoid the Drama Triangle:

I ask myself five questions to identify if I am entering into the Drama Triangle in the role of Saviour.

When you to decide or reply to somebody, ask yourself these five questions. Then answer honestly with YES or NO to each one of them.

Finally, count the number of NOs.

With two or more NOs, ideally, DON’T DO ANYTHING if you want to avoid the Drama Triangle.

If you act, you will enter the Drama Triangle in the Saviour’s role and likely finish as a Victim.

5 Questions to ask yourself when the Saviour rises:

  1. Do I want to do it?
  1. Is it my business?
  1. Can I do it?
  1. Was I clearly asked to do something?
  1. Am I doing less than 50%?

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