EP 28 - Fast Relief from Stress & Anxiety

I had originally planned to release a different episode this week, but after checking in with my guides I’ve decided to do a podcast centred around self care and relief from stress and anxiety in these unprecedented times.

We’re worried about family, especially vulnerable relatives, school and work closures, income issues, food supply…. It’s a lot!

I’ve spoken to Wendy Dooner of The Dundee Herbal Clinic to find out what are some easy and quick things we can do to lower our stress levels and reduce the effects of stress on our immune systems. She has kindly agreed to provide you with a free guide to lowering stress levels and a free guide on getting better sleep which is crucial for the health of our immune systems (See links section at the bottom of the page.)

In this week’s episode I also talk about different ways and journey ideas that we can use to work with our spiritual team during these times, especially if you are in self isolation. Here are a few of the things I talk about:   

Journey Work Ideas: 

  •  Ask your guides to show you what would be the best use of your time if we are home for an extended period
  • Ask your Guides to show you how you can support your communities at this time.
  • Ask your Guides to take your anxiety and fear and transmute it to love and light
  • Working with our nature indoors. Working with the power of nature to relax and support us is key and it’s super easy to do this work indoors. If you have houseplants then perhaps do a merging journey with your plants
  • You can also work with your Body Protector to protect yourselves from the energy of fear that is very present in society. (how to guide in the link section below)
  • If you are still able to get out in nature you can merge with the spirits of trees and ask for help in feeling calm and grounded (how to guide in the links section below) 

Links mentioned in this Episode: 

Body protector how to guide (You can use this to protect yourself from the energy of fear and panic sweeping the world right now) 

Working with tree spirit guides (This guide can also be used with house-plants if you are in isolation. You can use this guide to call in the spirits of the plants or trees to help you to feel grounded and clear) 

Mini morning momentum Challenge (You can use this guide to practice happiness, acceptance and gratitude in the morning before the energy of stress and anxiety can get a foothold) 

7 Easy steps you can take to lower physical and emotional stress to support your health – from Shamanic Herbalist Wendy Dooner

Sleep Hygiene PDF from Medical Herbalist Wendy Dooner

Here is the link to the most useful form of Magnesium you can take as a supplement.

Stay safe, look out for your neighbours, and wash your hands! By staying out of the drama and panic, you’re avoiding sending those vibes out into an already panicking world, protecting your immune system, and doing your small part for positivity in these times!

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This is where you master the spiritual secrets of the ancient Celts and create a deeply connected and magical life.

Step into the Centre’s very special Shamanic sanctuary. Inside the Cauldrons Way, you’ll find live gatherings, ceremonies, retreats and guided teachings designed to help you activate your inner cauldrons and amplify your spiritual connection. Plus, you get near-daily support from Rhonda and her team of six trusted practitioners. 

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