80. Identifying Negative Thought Patterns That Rule Our Minds

Identifying Negative thought patterns that rule our minds

ShamanTalk Episode 80 Identifying the Negative Thought Patterns That Rule Our Minds Negative thought patterns, otherwise known as cognitive distortions are thought patterns in our minds that convince us of something that isn’t true. These thoughts are usually used to back up our negative thinking. We tell ourselves things that sound rational and accurate but really only … Read more

79. Four Easy Steps to Lift Your Mood

Four Easy Steps to Life Your Mood

ShamanTalk Episode 79 Four Easy Steps to Lift Your Mood Sometimes we need a quick hand out of a funk. In this podcast, I’ll run through some super easy techniques that you can use to lift you out of a bad day. You have to WANT to be out of your funk. Sometimes we just want … Read more

78. Finding the Time for Spirituality

Finding the time for Spirituality

ShamanTalk Episode 78 Finding the Time for Spirituality What is Time? What is our relationship to Time? Why do we often feel that we lack time? This may seem like an odd question, but have you ever considered your relationship with time? Most of us feel incredibly frustrated when it comes to time. I continuously … Read more

77. Meeting, Creating & Working with Sacred Objects

Meeting, Creating & Working with Sacred Objects

ShamanTalk Episode 77 Meeting, Creating & Working with Sacred Objects This week we’re getting practical! I want to share my understanding of Sacred Objects and how you can use them in your spiritual practice and daily life. Let’s start by describing a sacred object. Whether a physical, energetic, spiritual or imaginative object, a Sacred Object … Read more